Luna Bar Review: LemonZest Energy Bar, Very Tasty but a Borderline Candy bar

What are the taste and consistency of Luna Bars?

This area is where I give Luna Bars high marks. In addition to LemonZest, I’ve tried several of their flavors in the past and found them all delicious.

The LemonZest flavor is one of my favorites, offering a refreshing tartness to balance the bar’s sweetness. The texture is soft and chewy, just right for consumption on the move, whether running, hiking, riding, or other outdoor activities.

I do trail ultras, so solid foods that are convenient, easy to consume, and energy-packed are paramount. On these adventures, I’m not so worried about the healthiness of my fuel since I will burn everything I put into my body.

It’s the same reason that you’ll see ultra runners that are super health-conscious slam down an entire bottle of coke while racing in the mountains – anything that hits the spot and whatever it takes to get the legs churning. When going the distance, selecting the right kind of fuel could be the difference between race completion or a DNF.


When should you eat Luna Bar?

Besides long outdoor adventures, as mentioned above, Luna Bars can obviously serve as a daily snack. On paper, they’re not as bad as straight-up junk foods, but eating them daily is definitely not a healthy habit.

As an energy fuel for pre- and mid-exercise or a quick recovery snack post-workout, they’re good options.


At 48 g per bar, Luna Bar LemonZest provides 190 calories, 8 g of protein, 6 g of fat, and 28 g of carbohydrates, of which 9 g are from added sugar. It also provides dietary fiber and a wide range of essential minerals. The bar is made with natural ingredients and is gluten-free.

LemonZest is tart and refreshing and complements the sweetness. The texture is soft and chewy, making it easy to eat on the go.

It is a great snack option for those looking for an energy-packed and flavorful energy fuel for outdoor activities.

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