What are you Grateful for? 

Posted on: Sep 20, 2021

A celebration of World Gratitude Day 

The idea of World Gratitude Day came into being over 55 years ago in 1965, in the meditation room of the United Nations building, when spiritual and meditation leader, Sri Chinmoy suggested there be a day of thanks where the whole world could celebrate together.  The date of 21st September was chosen as the day.  

In 1977, during a special ceremony to honour Sri, a resolution was passed to officially recognise the day.

  • It’s a time to thank the people you appreciate.
  • Show gratitude for what those people who we are blessed to have in our lives.
  • Be grateful for the life we have. 

This year, following the terrible two years the whole world has faced and still faces, we all need the restorative power of gratitude.

To honour this day when we focus on positives – we’ve asked everyone at Creative Nature the same three questions, and below are their answers.

Question 1: What are you most grateful for in your job over the last year/week/month?

We are both grateful to have seen our team grow even through a pandemic. I am grateful we have grown as a business and enabled more people with allergies to have access to food that is safe for them.  Julianne and Matt

Matt and Gayathri mentioned how grateful they were that no staff were furloughed throughout the entire pandemic.  

Gayathri, Josh, Dale, Daisy, Ryan, Phoebe and Harry all mentioned how important being part of the work family is, being surrounded by positive people, and how they have helped keep them motivated during this last year.

Both Trudi and Ellen, also commented on being part of a lovely team, but also how proud they are to work for a company that helps so many people.

Question 2: What are you most grateful for in your life over the last year/week/month? 

Both Julianne and Matt are grateful for the doctors who saved Julianne’s mum’s life when she had a sudden brain aneurysm a few months ago. Julianne is grateful for her recovery and to see how well she has already done in such a short time. 

Julianne is also grateful to have a partner in Matt who not only listens, but continues to support her in every dream or crazy idea she has!  He’s a keeper!

Everybody mentioned being grateful to family and friends for their amazing support during this year. And of course, they were also glad that their family members are fit and well. A few mentioned they would have found the last year impossible without those people in their lives.

Question 3: What does ‘gratitude’ mean to you? 

For Julianne, gratitude is a feeling that cannot truly be explained, it’s that sense of knowing. Some people don’t have those things that we just take for granted, such as clean water. 

For Matt – being thankful for certain things. Taking time to step away from the day-to-day and reflect on what is going on that you are grateful for. In most situations, no matter how bad life seems, somebody somewhere is having a worse day, is struggling more or is at a point where they feel they can’t go on. Take a moment to see the good in your life and build on the positives.

For Gayathri –  I always think being grateful gives me a whole level of contentment, I feel complete, and it automatically puts away many other negative aspects. I think to be able to have peace of mind once must practice, Gratitude.

Trudi, Dale, Phoebe, Ellen, Ryan and Harry, all recognise the importance of gratitude as an opportunity to stop, think and reflect on all the positives in your life. To recognise those around you and to make sure you always remember them and give thanks for their support and input in enhancing your life. 

Dale also talked about the importance of showing gratitude, appreciation and kindness in all scenarios and to all people, from the cleaner to the boss. 

Daisy says, gratitude makes her appreciate the small things in life, and that it is all the small things she appreciates the most.

All of us here at Creative Nature are very grateful to our customers, who have kept us in business, and continue to do so and for helping us to spread the word about living an allergen safe life. 

What are you grateful for?

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